学位 -生物学硕士(MS
浓度: N/A


The 生物学理学硕士 degree program is to equip students with advanced scientific knowledge and skills necessary to pursue doctoral programs and professional careers in biological sciences. M.S. 生物学课程包括高水平的课堂教学, along with mentored scholarly pursuit of new knowledge leading to the preparation of a thesis document or a special project paper. The graduate program intends to prepare creative scientists with a good theoretical background, 研究技术培训, and communication skills required to disseminate the research results including the significance of such research work in relation to the human environment.


  • 拓宽学生在与其研究相关的学科方面的知识
  • 能够清楚地陈述研究目标或目的, 假设, 并说明其拟进行论文研究的意义
  • Organize and interpret the results generated from his/her research in a thesis or non-thesis consistent with the guidelines set by ASU’s Office of 研究生学习
  • Communicate research findings and apply knowledge in biological science in his/her daily life
  • Gain an understanding of professional practices and responsibilities for the community at-large
  • 提高学生的就业潜力


Students applying for entrance to the 生物学理学硕士 are required to submit an application for admission, 网上申请(wsyylf.gardharmon.net/academics/graduate-studies).

  • Two letters of recommendation (references should be professors who have taught the student)
  • Official transcript from an accredited school (if a student has attended more than one school, 必须提交所有就读学校的成绩单). At least one transcript must document the student has a bachelor’s degree with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0. Some departments have additional requirements students must meet for admission
  • 免疫记录(仅适用于传统生物学项目)

Decisions are made only after receipt of all credentials by the department’s admission committee. 每个系都使用一个录取公式来录取学生. 整个应用程序包, 包括所有辅助材料, 必须提交给研究生院吗. Official test scores must be submitted from Education Testing Service (ETS) and must not be older than five years, 发送学校的正式成绩单, and Credential Evaluations (International students) from an approved Credential Evaluation Service.


The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test is the official standardized test required for admission to the 生物学理学硕士. 放弃


The curriculum for the 生物学理学硕士 requires 33 credit hours of coursework and a thesis or non-thesis project for degree completion. An oral defense of the thesis is required for progression to degree completion. Students complete 12 hours of required core credits and 21 hours of general electives.


  • A minimum of 27 credit hours of graduate instruction must be completed in residence at pg电子游戏试玩
  • 功课成绩不超过两个c
  • Write an acceptable thesis and defend it orally or complete an acceptable non-thesis project
  • Official transcripts on file for all transfer credits accepted by the University

Academic advisors are allowed to accept up to six semester credit hours earned at an accredited university with a grade of “B” or higher for graduate coursework completed. Substitutions of coursework are allowed with the approval of an advisor and department administrators up to nine hours if the substitution(s) meet curriculum requirements.

看到 信用转移政策 了解更多信息.
看到 替代课程政策 了解更多信息.

学术之路: 顶石项目

The Thesis or Non-Thesis is an exit requirement for the 生物学理学硕士. 该系对选题有特定的期望. Students pursue independent research on a question or problem of their choice in the relevant disciplines under the guidance of a graduate faculty to produce a paper that reflects understanding of the topic and in the respective discipline.


在确定毕业资格之前, each student progression to degree completion will be evaluated to determine if student has met all academic requirements for course work and other aspects of the student’s course of study and Graduate School requirements. 当满足这些要求时,学生就可以毕业了.


pg电子下载’s time to degree completion policy allows 6 years to complete the 生物学理学硕士. 学位的完成取决于学生完成课程的速度. 如果时间超过六年, the student must petition the Graduate School to consider an appeal for more time to degree completion.

看到 学生学术申诉政策 时间线到期的附加要求


BI 523高级生物统计学
BI 599论文一
BI 600论文二

BI 523高级生物统计学
BI 540分子遗传学
BI 597专项工程


BI 597 OL专项工程

BI 500高级寄生虫学
BI 501高级植物生理学
BI 502高级植物病理学
BI 503真菌学
BI 509当前生物学文献主题
BI 522动物王国自然史
BI 525高级免疫学
BI 526高级药理学
BI 540分子遗传学
BI 546高级组织学
BI 547高级野外生物学与生态学
BI 550研究生研究方法与研讨会
BI 560高级现代生物学问题
BI 581高级毒理学
BI 590高级环境生物学
BI 591高级解剖学和生理学

Dr. 玛尔塔·皮瓦电话601.877.6241▪
(电子邮件保护) (生物科学系)